Authors Dot Ink

How to write email newsletters they fall in love with

February 23, 2023 Cate Butler Ross Season 2 Episode 52

Yes, you know how important it is to grow an email list - but now you've got one, how do you write the kind of newsletters your audience love - and you get excited about sending each week, because you know people are reading them and enjoying them because they tell you they are?

In this episode we're talking about the complete opposite to what most traditional email marketers will tell you to do (because, guess what, it doesn't work for small, heart-led, service-based creative businesses).

But what we're going to talk about in today's episode does work - if you have the courage and commitment to work at it.

Press play to find out my 8 best tips for writing email newsletters your soulmate clients fall in love with.

 Listen to Episode 17 How to rekindle your cold email list today HERE
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